Monday, February 4, 2013

360 students at CES by 2016?

As most in the Cashton area have heard, based on the recommendation of a representative community group and a survey, the Board of Education has unanimously decided to ask eligible voters to consider a $12.3 million dollar school improvement project.  With stable growth, a nearly retired debt from the last project, and record low interest rates, the timing is appropriate to explore both immediate and future needs for the community and its schools.

To help citizens better understand how the project would address issues already affecting our growing student population, you will see below a map highlighting areas that directly connect to learning and safety.  Not listed are congested areas that are not directly associated with instruction such as the cafeteria, playground, and drop-off/pick-up areas that would also be vastly improved through the proposed expansion project.  Perhaps this map will help some to better understand concerns with space this school year.

Beyond this school year, student population projections based on current class size, student transiency (rate of how many students leave and enroll), and county birth rates indicate district-wide growth of 18% by 2016.  That would mean Cashton Elementary could grow 18% (56) to 360 students.  The proposed building project proactively prepares for growth in addition to addressing immediate concerns.  Population growth of this magnitude in the absence of additional classrooms would require noticeable adjustments including increased class size as well as the use of portable classrooms, displacing the Art and/or Music programs, or artificially creating spaces in the cafeteria through the use or temporary room dividers.

As you carefully consider your decision for the April 2nd election  please feel welcome to contact Dr. Saron, me, or the office staff to answer any questions you may have or to arrange a building tour.

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