Thursday, November 20, 2014

Professional Staff - Professional Learners

Elementary teachers have been deeply exploring the research of Charlotte Danielson and the Framework for Teaching.  The framework provides a clear vision of excellence in instruction that continues to drive our professional development work in the district.  At the district, building, and teacher team levels, a much better understanding of the clear, aligned, and rigorous learning outcomes is growing and helping teachers provided an even better education for our students. The image below is a synthesis of the "big ideas" of Component 1C: Setting Instructional Outcomes.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Cashton Elementary Welcomes Katie Mcky

     Thanks to the support of the Cashton PTO and the work of Mrs. Lee, students were treated to a day with children's book author, Katie McKy.  After a dramatic performance of her book, Pumpkin Town, students participated in a writing camp to improve their own skills.  This is Katie's second visit to Cashton, both of which were outstanding opportunities for children to further foster a love of literacy and to better understand the writing process.  We are proud that she spent her day with us!

Katie taught for 23 years and used storytelling in every subject.  Katie combines storytelling and writing workshops for students when she visits schools. Drawing on her experience consulting for various Boston schools out of Harvard, she also does writing workshops for teachers and delivers in-service training sessions on creativity for teachers. (